List of Masterplan Finalist

 Finalist Number 1


Executive Summary


Rationale Behind the Spine

The Interactive Ecological Spine
The early introduction of an interactive, ecological green spine will unify a rather disparate old campus that has grown in an ad hoc manner. The spine would immediately make the campus accessible and walkable, and also a place to gather and meet.

The Spine as a Link
The spine provides a natural way to link most of the parts of the campus together, and it signals that the link should be a pedestrianized, ecological one, devoid of cars and removed from mechanized traffic.

The Spine Enables Traffic Efficiency
By providing a clear concentration for non-mechanized traffic, it creates natural mechanized routes at the outer fringes and perimeter of the campus.

The Spines Creates an Identity
The ecological spine is a natural identity for the campus, as it is derived from the natural terrain. It skirts around the edge of the forest, and it brings the students and staff closer to the forest. The location of the spine suggests that the forest should be appreciated and preserved.

10 Focus Points

Central Campus District
The Spine begins here and it is integral to the spine. The Central Campus District is the core of the spine.

Eco Campus
The Spine is the essential unifying structure for the various elements of the Eco Campus. It unifies the forest with the natural eco system that has grown around the low density residential district at the south of the campus. It encourages pedestrian movement and brings life to the campus in an ecological way.

Industry-Linked Research Park
The spine is like a linear plaza that links the various research areas together. It is also an outlet for rest and interaction, a place that connects the percipients with the natural restful wooded environment. It is the green part of the research park.

Redevelop Ageing Buildings
The ageing buildings are developed or replaced gradually over the years to become more environmentally friendly and connected. By introducing transition components between the exterior and interior, the buildings become naturally linked to the external environment, with life brought to the streets.

Student Housing and Lifestyle
With the creation of interactive nodes and linkages, students are compelled to interact with one another as. Usage of mechanized vehicles by students are restricted up to the residences from external roads. With the campus vicinity, the students either cycle or walk. The disables are however given special electric vehicles. Students can rent bicycles by the semester.

Cultural Hub & Routes
These are integral to the campus experience and they are located along connected routes rather than being isolated to be easily accessible by students and staff, as well as to the public.

Seamless Connectivity
Seamless connections come in two parts: The vehicle connections largely kept to the fringe of the campus avoids cross circulation with pedestrians and cyclists. The vehicles are seamlessly connected to the main external roads. However, staff are allowed to drive into the campus due to age, convenience and the fact that they are proportionately much less than students.

Public Realm Quality
It is envisioned that the campus should not be an insular one. The public are encouraged to be a part of campus life, being already stakeholders to this public university. They would do as the students and the staff do. By restricting vehicles to the fringe of the campus, except for special entries, security risk is largely reduced. This would change the atmosphere of the campus to a more interactive one.

Legible and Identifiable Campus
The spine and the enlarged lake, as well as the largely ecological language of the buildings give this campus a unique identity. It will be forward-looking, empathetic campus that speaks about the importance of the environment and a flatter social system.

Safe and Defined Spaces
This is integral within the overall masterplan. The clear demarcation of vehicles away from the interior of the campus as well as the creation of an interactive, ecological pedestrian spine. Zones are equally well defined so that places are easily found and remembered.

Web of Interaction Ritual Chains
The other layer behind the design of the masterplan is the creation of the web of interaction ritual chains to encourage social interaction. The campus is designed to minimise isolation and to create life at street level as well as at interaction nodes. This naturally enhances security and reduces the need of a large security team. With the public allowed into the life of the campus, with access to some of the public buildings, the university can perceive to belong to a bigger realm and contribute to a larger picture. It creates a sense of ownership and belonging all round. The Spine, the linkages, the pedestrian and cycling ways, as well as the common connectivity to the natural environment combine to form the narrative of the chains of interaction.